Prostitution is listed among the crime some refer to as Victimless or especially mutual consent crime, because no one presents at the crime unwilling, but research show this is not the true picture of Prostitution.
In most countries Prostitution – exchanging money for sex among adults is legal. It is illegal only in few countries – in United States (except ten Counties in the state of Nevada), India, and Argentina, some Muslim and Communist countries. The reason it is legal is the general attitude that prostitution does no harm, has no victims, and is sex among consenting adults.
No a Victimless Crime
Melissa Farley, PhD of Prostitution Research & Education, argues that prostitution is hardly a victimless crime. In her “Prostitution: Fact sheet on Human Rights Violations” Farley says that prostitution is sexual harassment, rape, battering, verbal abuse, domestic violence, a racist practice, a violation of human rights, childhood sexual abuse, consequence of male domination of women and means of maintaining male domination of women.
“All prostitution cause harm to women,” Farley writes. “Weather it is sold by one's family to a brothel, or weather it is being sexually abuse in one's family, running away from, and then being pimped by one's boyfriend, or weather one is in college and needs to pay for next semester's tuition fee and one works at a strip club behind glass where men never actually touch you – all these forms of prostitution hurts women in it.”
Prostitutes are biggest Victims
To believe prostitution has no victims, one must ignore these statistics published in Farley's Fact Sheet:
1. 78 percent of 55 women who sought help from the Council of Prostitution Alternatives in 1991 reported being raped an average of 16 times a year by pimps(Agents), and were raped 33 times a year by Johns(Clients of Prostitutes).
2. 62 percent reported having been raped in prostitution.
3. 73 percent reported having experienced physical