20 February 2009
Does Rehabilitation work on Juvenile Offenders? Rehabilitation of juvenile offenders is ineffective as shown in the current rate of incarceration of youths in America. Other alternatives to deter youths from criminal activities should be explored. Since1899, juvenile courts have been established to rehabilitate and create safe heavens for juveniles, but the enforcement of youth criminal justice is outdated. Overhaul is needed to accommodate the youths. The recidivism of American youths is 79%. The juvenile justice system is mandatory for criminal youth reform.
Youth crimes have been risen 5% annually since 1990’ because the leniency of the youth justice system, other approaches should be implemented to accommodate the youth criminals. Punishment is one the better ways to result in a decrease in the frequency or seriousness of criminal activity; and some of those ways are incompatible with the concept of rehabilitation. People neither expect youths to be criminal nor expect crimes to be committed by them; the unforeseen intersection between childhood and criminality creates a dilemma that most of us find difficult to resolve. The only way out of this dilemma is redefine the offense as something more serious or redefine the juvenile offender as someone who is not really a child.
Moreover, most reasonable people agree young offenders as adults expose at least some youths to the possibility of capital punishment for the crime they committed as juveniles.
Many states suggest that there should be any reason to maintain a separate punitive youth courts, however, today, in almost every state, youths who are 13 or 14 years of age or less can be tried and punished as adults for a broad range of offenses; all youth offenders in one integrated criminal court to save taxpayer money. In addition, various opinion surveys have found public support generally for getting tougher on juvenile crimes. Most victims’ people agree that young