However, Richard Dawkins said religion “subverts science and saps the intellect”(Dawkins 2006). Science and religion could coexist but one side does not necessarily harm the other. Science and religion could not be divided apart because they are connected with each other at the beginning of their origin. The beginning of physics is astronomy in Babylonians, Indians, Egyptians and Zoroastrians and people tried to find out what their gods look like and communicated with them (Shuttleworth 2010). At the same time, chemistry is also related to religion when it was born because alchemist is the earliest chemist and in the middle ages, alchemist was aim to create an elixir of immortality and this has strong connection with religion (Linden 1996). Furthermore, there are many scientists believe religion and maybe the most famous is Albert Einstein and he said “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.”(Einstein 1954) Three-quarters scientists claimed that they believe there are a good deals of basic truth in religion and only three present scientists said religion has a negative effect to truth (Baker 2010). These scientists made great performance at their fields and they said that there is no conflict between their faith and their work. In addition, perhaps science and religion are complementary. When we study science, we could know what make up our earth and how it works but what we do not know is why the earth is existed. Science could tell us the origin of life but probably it cannot tell us what is the meaning of life and this is why people choose to find the meaning of life in religion. In next paragraph, the connection between religion and the stability of our society will be
However, Richard Dawkins said religion “subverts science and saps the intellect”(Dawkins 2006). Science and religion could coexist but one side does not necessarily harm the other. Science and religion could not be divided apart because they are connected with each other at the beginning of their origin. The beginning of physics is astronomy in Babylonians, Indians, Egyptians and Zoroastrians and people tried to find out what their gods look like and communicated with them (Shuttleworth 2010). At the same time, chemistry is also related to religion when it was born because alchemist is the earliest chemist and in the middle ages, alchemist was aim to create an elixir of immortality and this has strong connection with religion (Linden 1996). Furthermore, there are many scientists believe religion and maybe the most famous is Albert Einstein and he said “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.”(Einstein 1954) Three-quarters scientists claimed that they believe there are a good deals of basic truth in religion and only three present scientists said religion has a negative effect to truth (Baker 2010). These scientists made great performance at their fields and they said that there is no conflict between their faith and their work. In addition, perhaps science and religion are complementary. When we study science, we could know what make up our earth and how it works but what we do not know is why the earth is existed. Science could tell us the origin of life but probably it cannot tell us what is the meaning of life and this is why people choose to find the meaning of life in religion. In next paragraph, the connection between religion and the stability of our society will be