Today, many aspects of the American Dream are far from the reach for most of Americans. According to Bob …show more content…
Herbert, "to defined the American dream, there is not much of it that's left anymore". The job opportunities for the young new graduates are in short, that have resulted in the student debt crisis. The unemployment rate is increasing significantly for the last couple of years. In addition, the costs to live the American Dream are too high. The essentials of livings are expensive with declining income that cause many families live on paycheck to paycheck and no longer afford the mortgage. Working two or three jobs to be able to compensate the bills is not rare in Americans' life anymore. Moreover, Cal Thomas' claim "a monopolistic government school system keeps the poor from achieving their dreams, as many remain locked". The high price of higher education is putting off so many dreams of low-income and middle-class Americans.
Besides that, the continuous income of expectation disables an individual from recognizing that their American Dream is unattainable.
Granting to the authors of They Say / I Say, "income for the wealthiest Americans has increased while the center and lower incomes have remained stagnant". Today, middle class incomes have stayed still and millions have not reached the so-called American Dream. A recent issue of The Economist captures how far the illusion has become a reality. Summarizing a series of works, the article shows that the gap is larger than was ever imagined and set forth to widen in the 1980s. From 1986 to 2012, the rise in incomes for the top 1% grew 3.4%, whereas for the bottom 90% the income growth was 0.7% (Economist 79). Even more alarming, the article notes, is soaring household debt, which was exacerbated during the recession in 2007 to 2009. The reality is increasing the riches concentrated in the hands of a few, and there is less wealth to be shared among the middle class. As home ownership becomes increasingly unaffordable as a result of rising personal debt, the American Dream is an aspiration for fewer families. Defining the corporate income and personal income tax codes is one way to redistribute the wealth of
Moreover, American Dream nowadays for most citizens is just an illusion. According to Perrucci and Wysong the authors of New Class Society: Goodbye American Dream?, the American Dream was conjured up by corporate America in the post War context and exposes the illusions of the American Dream (Perrucci, Robert & Earl Wilson 131). The American economic system was booming and millions of men returned home to start or to be reunited with family. Over two million benefited from the G.I. Bill, which gave veterans, low interest loans attend college or buy a house. Television soon became deluged with a singular icon of white suburban America. The realities, however, were far different. Many minority groups were prevented from participating in the same opportunities afforded to mainstream America. They congregated in urban centers at a comfortable distance from the shiny new neighborhood neatly packaged outside of the urban center.