Brentney Davis
Ivy Tech Community College
Cover Letter
Dear Professor Downton:
In my peer responses, I noticed a lot of the students said I didn’t have the questions I proposed answered for them so I went back and included that into my final draft. I also made sure to state the article in the introduction that I am summarizing and responding to. Problems I encountered while revising my draft were the compatibility of the computer I was using with the Microsoft template, also deciding what I should delete and let stay. Another problem I encountered were some issues with the punctuation and citations I had put inside my essay. The peer review responses helped me clearly get my point across and allowed …show more content…
I hoped to achieve scholarly writing for the most part out of this project, and I see where I can improve some things. I also wanted to note that I think the rereading process helped me the most. I was able to hear myself talking through the essay which allowed me to put things in better lights and elaborate on some of the questions and topics that my essay presented.
Does The Internet Make You Smarter?
The main purpose of this article is to inform the general public who actively use the Internet of the positive pathways it has shaped for us to acquire information. In the article, Does the Internet Make You Smarter by Clay Shirky, he is trying to address the issue of how we can make online learning a social norm in our society, while also making it more proper and academic.
According to (Packard), “There is 87% of 12-17 year olds now online.” Our society is now faced with the question of how we can make the Internet as effective in the learning process as literacy. One way to improve the functionalities …show more content…
Shirky tries to answer this question for us, but I think if we just sit back and reflect on the progress we have made with it from a logical perspective we can say yes to that question with no hesitation. We can say yes, because it is the act of acquiring knowledge in a speed unknown to the human brain. Comparable to the oldest stories of the oldest books, imagine how much knowledge Eve conceived in one bite of an apple from the forbidden tree. She noticed so many things at once that she even told the first lie in the history of our world to the Lord. She literally went from wild to domesticate in animal terms in a matter of minutes. This is the depth of an era we’re approaching now. We are on the rise as a civilization because of the internet. It was introduced to us for entertainment, but we have taken it and created our own universal decoder. All we have to do now is finish decoding the rest of its secrets for our own strengths and we will reach new levels of literacy we probably never thought