Independent The mass of a muffin cup, grams [g], m
The time it takes for the muffin cup to reach the floor, seconds [s], t
Air resistance, Newton [N], FA Distance of releasing the muffin cup, meters [m], d Reaction time, seconds [s], t
Method for controlling variables: Air resistance will be controlled by having the same shape of the muffin cup for all tests. If this variable would not be controlled the time taken for the muffin cup to reach the floor would be affected dependent on the shape differences. The distance of releasing the muffin cup will be controlled by releasing the muffin cup from the
same spot/distance for all times. If the distance was not to be controlled and different distances were used during the investigation the time differences would be incorrect and no true pattern would be shown. The reaction time will be controlled by releasing the muffin cup about 0.2m above the 2m limit and then start the time as the muffin cup passes the 2m limit which will be marked, with a tape piece on the wall for instance. If this is not done the reaction time might be affected, that is when the stopwatch will be started to record the time of the fall and if we release it from 2m and start the stopwatch at the same time the muffin cup will fall a few centimeters before the stopwatch is started and the calculations of the will be incorrect.
Diagram 1
Diagram 1 shows the setup of this investigation.
Equipment: Scale Muffin cups (of the same size) Ruler ( 2m long) Stopwatch Tape Stool ( if needed, depending on your height)
Measure a height of 2 meters against a wall and mark the spot with a tape piece. Weigh the muffin cup and record that weight. Place the stool so that you are in eye height with the marked spot and hold the muffin cup about 0.3m above the line and release it from there. As the muffin cup reaches the line start the stopwatch, stop the stopwatch when it hits the floor and record the time it took for the muffin cup to reach the floor. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for the same mass 6 times in order to get an average value, hence a more correct value. Repeat steps 1 – 4 for seven different masses*. Calculate the velocity of each muffin cup mass.
Calculate the average time for each mass:
Average time=((t_1+t_2+t_3+t_4+t_5+t_6))/6 Calculate the velocity for each mass: v=d/t But since the distance used in this investigation is 2m which is the double value of the distance we need to divide the calculated v value by 2.
*Table 1
Mass of... [g] Time [s] one cup two cups three cups four cups five cups six ups seven cups
Table 1 shows the amount of cups that should be used for each try. Since this is just a model of a table that should be used to collect raw data there should be the weight in grams for the number of cups on each line in the left column.