Euthanasia is the practice of ending an individual's life in order to relieve them from an incurable disease or unbearable suffering. While a few societies have accepted euthanasia, there are many societies and social groups, which are against this practice. Most of religious people consider euthanasia unjustifiable, morally wrong, and view it as a violation of God's gift of life. Therefore, this is an extremely controversial topic, which has raised a great deal of debate all over the world.
Life seems to be the most obvious answer, if to choose between life and death. Nevertheless, in the case when the euthanasia may be voluntary, I would like to highlight the human right to be in charge of their life. Maimed, bedridden people feel a burden for their relatives. Humble and disabled, they want at least to leave this world peacefully and to die with dignity.
Moreover, very often euthanasia is the only way to relieve patients’ pain. Personally, I believe no one can experience others’ anguish, therefore it is impossible to measure whether the person can bear it or not. Spanish film “The sea inside” (2004) tells a factual story of Ramon Sampedro who 28 years clamoured for euthanasia and his own right to die. This man was left quadriplegic after a diving accident and had been bedridden for almost 30 years. He fought a losing battle with government: he never received permission for euthanasia, and in January 1998, with the help of one of his friends he took poison.
Another possible reason for the justifying of euthanasia is the lack of space in hospitals for those who can be cured and saved. It is bitter to own up, but this problem exists in many countries. Those who want to live have no chance to get the proper treatment while those who want to die cannot give their place to them.
To sum it up, I would like to say that euthanasia has the right to exist in our society. It should be considered not as a