
Dog Bite Laws Pros And Cons

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Dog Bite Laws Pros And Cons
Dog bite laws vary greatly from state to state. There are laws restricting certain breeds called breed-specific laws. Breed specific laws were put into place to make the area a safer place for families. Some states will side with the dog owner while other state legislation will side with the victim. The amount of times an instance occurs before there are consequences is another topic debated. Dog owners are expected to have control of their dogs while they are out on walks and on their own private property.
Breed specific laws have been thought to cut down the likelihood of attacks from certain dogs by cutting out the most aggressive breeds like the pitbull or the rottweiler. There are studies shown that there is no way to pinpoint the breeds
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The second time that dog bites someone there can be consequences such as being taken into a shelter or in extreme cases can be euthanized. On the other hand there is strict liability in most of the other states which means that unless the owner can without a doubt prove that the victim was in the wrong or his negligent behavior caused the dog to bite, then the owner is liable. In many cases it doesn't matter if there is no prior knowledge by the owner of aggressive behavior by the dog, they will still be held liable. One defense strategy that has worked is if the owner knows that their dog could be aggressive or has a situation that be causing extra stress and warn the person and they still provoke the dog even after warning. This could result in the jury finding the owner not responsible or of being …show more content…
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 5 million dog bites a year reported. About 800,000 of those bites end up needing medical attention. There is an average from 20 to 30 people killed a year due to dog bites or attacks (Monroe 2). Dog attacks in children are more commonly seen on the face and neck more than anywhere else. The tissue damage created by the pressure of the jaws can cause a severe infection and sometime lead to losing parts of the body.
Representatives that are trying to ban specific breeds are are getting a lot of heat from dog lovers. Anyone who has the type of dog they are trying to ban are going to be mad. Dog lovers from all around are appalled at the idea of their furry friends being banned. Meanwhile some states have laws prohibiting the breed specific laws. While legislation might be getting some fire for their sides on this growing issue, insurance companies are able to actively take a

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