On the other side of the argument the writer says "I like dogs, but I don't want a public dog park. It would be a burden for taxpayers and a lawsuit …show more content…
even though it would cost a little bit out of the budget I still see it being used and maintained by anyone and everyone who has a pet that they feel should get out and exercies on a regular basses. Like the writer in artical one said they live in an area where there is limited space for a person and their dog to run around and enjoy the fresh air and good company of their fury companion.when the people who dont have dogs see the people at the park playing with the animals, they will be more likely to go to the local animal shelter and adopt a dog of their choice and that will help build a better bond betwwen those and the other animals that would inhabit the dog park.
After all youve read how do you feel about the subjects that weve discussed during this essay? In both the articals they both placed valid arguments about why the dog park should be or shouldnt be built in the areas they reside in.Regardless of how the money is ubtained weither it be state funding or privatly obtained.My theory is that if everyone would have a vote on the concept and we would see how many poepl eare for it and how many people are against it, it would simplify it to terms that everyone could make a statement and agree on a resilution that is just my