The two greatest evils in the world include wickedness of the soul and wrongdoing. If an individual suffers wrong, that is worse than doing wrong; correspondingly, an individual who does wrong performs a more …show more content…
For instance, let’s say that you are riding your bike with a sibling or possibly a friend. If your sibling or friend knocks you over while you are still on your bike, you are very likely to get cuts and scrapes from the pavement; meanwhile, your friend or sibling is going to ride off on their bike without any physical injuries. Since doing wrong is more shameful but does not surpass in pain, it must be more evil. Socrates states that, “since it involves greater evil, doing wrong will be worse than suffering wrong” (Page 51, 475C).
Individuals who are punished for their wrongdoing are freed from evil in their soul. Previously, we discussed shamefulness; however, things that are fine/good work in a similar way. Those things that are fine/good, must either be more pleasant or more beneficial. An example of this would be if we compared two different fruits: oranges and bananas. If we were to say that oranges are better than bananas, then oranges have to be more pleasant. Going along with this example, if the punishment received by the wrongdoer is considered good, then it must also be more pleasant or more …show more content…
Because it has been shown to be the greatest evil, it only makes sense that these people would be the happiest since they lack this great evil. An example of this kind of person would be a newborn baby or small child. These individuals are too young to know any better, so they do not perform acts that require punishment, and in turn, they are the happiest. The next category is the person who is punished for their wrongdoing. If they are punished, they receive the benefit of an enhanced soul and are freed from evil. An example of this kind of person could be someone who committed a crime and did jail time, or it could be as minimal as a person who did something wrong and suffered punishment by their parents. Regardless, these people endured the punishment; therefore, they are freed from evil. Lastly is the person who does not receive any kind of repercussions for their actions. They do not see the benefit in punishment; therefore, they continue to have an impure soul. This person is in the worst position, and this also represents the life of a