
Dolphus Raymond In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Dolphus Raymond In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
The values of a society are often highlighted through its actions toward specific characters. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses Dolphus Raymond to showcase the rampant prejudice in Maycomb. Mr. Raymond is forced outside of his home town simply because he loves a black woman, rather than a white woman. The reader can quickly infer that the citizens of Maycomb value white supremacy, and racial segregation over love. Moreover, society’s views towards mixed children are also demonstrated. The alienation of Dolphus Raymond and its effects, clearly portray Maycomb’s moral values and assumptions.

The alienation of Dolphus Raymond is due to many reasons that contribute to a devastating effect on his whole family. As Jem points out, Mr. Raymond

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