One way I have shown excellence in domain 1 is through gathering materials through a variety of organizations and resources (1d). I have found that when I connect our class learning targets to currents events, news and topics targeting teens, my students show an increased level of interest. The resources I refer to include; the HBO series Vice (EMP/EMC/World Cultures/Health/Consumer Education), Teens Health (Health), Glencoe McGraw Hill (Health), Newsela (All Subjects), PBS Nova (EMP/EMC/Health), WGN (Medical Watch/Consumer Education) and The Museum of Science and Industry (EMP/EMC).
These resources also allow me to differentiate my instruction by …show more content…
interest level, choice and readiness level (1e) and designing student assessments (1f). In my classes, these components often connect. My evidence this year was not able to capture my work on this goal, so I included the following artifacts; #1 a health matrix in t-level health, #2 a choice project from consumer education and a #3 choice project (Google Drawing) from special education health.
Furthermore, I have been consistently use an application on my phone called Flipboard. This app collects nearly every news story in the world, for free. A person can personalize categories to meet their specific interests. I have shared this application with many of my colleagues and students. The categories I use frequently in the classroom include; Science and Science TV (EMP/EMC), Retirement and Money (Consumer Education), Chicago (All Subjects), News (All Subjects), Health (Health), Productivity, Time Management, Assistive Technology, Thinking (Seminar).
I used this application to find relevant articles for the current unit of study and to prevent any misunderstandings amongst students (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy).
I also believe this component is an area where I have improved greatly in, and can now be considered a strength in Domain 1. I also use this application to keep variety and spontaneity in my classes. I have a lot of students in my classes who see me for more than one subject. The advantage of this is I can quickly and easily connect other disciplines of study to other and current subject matter. For example, we can connect how consumer purchases (consumer education) can affect your personal health (health education) while having an impact on the Earth (EMC). This type of instruction has become routine for me as I keep in two questions in mind most often when I teach; Why do I need to know this information and How does this information affect me? In other words, I will often make text to text, text to world and text to self connections for students using various resources and methods of modalities such as articles, texts, presentation and
Although I do employ many descriptors in component 1b, demonstrating knowledge of students, I am still working to improve upon assigning students assessment based upon their skill level. I feel that I do provide multiple opportunities for students prior to testing on a summative assessment. I also feel that I often provide choices for students when giving an assessment. Furthermore, I believe I often provide students with the opportunity to make educated choices when it comes to their reading level. One way I can improve in this area is creating different versions of exams to meet the needs of all my learners. Lastly, I would like to continue to implement non-academic learning opportunities to get to know my students on a more cultural level. In the past, I have used, Edmodo and various team building exercises to learn more about my students. I think component could have strong consideration for the distinguished category.