Preparing a Second Virtual
Server Image
This lab contains the following exercises:
Exercise 1.1 Creating a Windows Server 2008 Virtual Appliance
Exercise 1.2 Performing Initial Configuration Tasks
Exercise 1.3 Testing Network Connectivity
Exercise 1.4 Installing the DNS Server Role
Exercise 1.5 Installing the DHCP Server Role
Estimated lab time: 95 minutes
Exercise 1.1
Creating A Windows Server 2008 Virtual Appliance
This lab assumes that you have the Active Directory Domain Controller and Windows 7 Machines you created in NT1230 (Server##) stored on your hard drive. You are creating a new computer virtual appliance with Windows Server 2008 using VMware Player. Your first task is to create a new Virtual Machine and install Windows Server 2008 Standard 32bit with appropriate settings for the test lab network. This server will become a replica Domain Controller for your test network.
Completion time
30 minutes
1. Start VMWare Player and create a new Virtual Machine. Make sure that you have your Windows Server 2008 32 bit installation disk in the DVD player.
2. Select the installation disk and click next.
If you are using a Windows Server 2008 .iso, Select Installer disc image file (iso): and browse to the location of the .iso file.
3. Skip the Product key and use “Student ## “where ## is the number provided by your instructor as the full name, and P@ssw0rd as password.
Depending on the version of VMWare Player you are using you may need to choose Windows Server 2008 Standard as the Operating System to install during this step. Please ensure Windows Server 2008 Standard is the version chosen.
Online students can use Student01 as the name of their student account.
4. You would like to continue. Click Yes.
5. Name your VM Appliance Server##A where ## is the number assigned by your instructor. And store the new Appliance in a newly created Windows Server 2008 Replica folder in you’re