Domestic Violence and abuse can happen to anyone. Domestic violence or spousal abuse is when one person in a intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate or control the other person. Domestic abuse that involves physical abuse is called domestic violence. Domestic violence does not discriminate and can happen to any woman or man, Although woman are most commonly victimized. Domestic violence also happens in all cultures.
Domestic violence is a huge problem in the United States. Statistics show in the
US every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten. Many situations go unreported due to fear or embarrassment or both. More than three woman a day in the US a woman is murdered by her boyfriend or husband. Reports from ten countries show that between 55 percent to 95 percent of women who have been physically assaulted by their partners have never reported it to police.
Often times victims of domestic violence end up in the relationship because they either don’t recognize the signs of an abuser or the abuser doesn’t show any signs at first. Sometimes abuse doesn’t start for months or even years into the relationship.
By the time an abuser starts showing signs or begins verbally or physically abusing his or her partner the victim is so deep into the relationship they may not want to leave.
Victims often times have many reasons why they don’t leave an abusive relationship. A victim may not have any family support so they depend on the abuser for financial reasons. Also the victim may have children with this abuser and feels trapped. An abuser often times threatens the victim if she leaves he