Because we are in an age where technology is meant to double itself every year, teenagers are in the forefront of absorption of these ads, as this younger generation has rarely experienced the concept of not having a computer in their homes. As early as the age of 5, our children are constantly bombarded with such ads as they are welcomed by teenagers as part of their daily existence. Online, television, radio, print ads and more so embedded in lyrics of the popular music we listen each day. This has become an epidemic which plagues our children as parents also struggle with what they are also within eyesight of ads that have been tailored to gender specific and to promote a lifestyle that is very far from common.
Not having picked up a magazine is quite a long time besides what I can briefly read as I wait in line at the grocery store, the first thing that attracts viewers are the images that are displayed on either the front or rear cover. Of course that is the intent amongst advertisers and/or publishers, but it ensures that the magazine is read and so of course the most dramatic story is placed on the front cover. Placement is key, as even our local supermarkets have joined the ranks of promoting such