o Analyze the issues related to the effects of adult drug abuse on families. You may include the effects on children, but do not research child or adolescent substance abuse, nor use child or adolescent substance abuse as the topic of your paper.…
It is estimated three point three million children witness domestic violence in the United States annually. The term domestic violence refers to violence between intimate adult partners and may involve a range of behaviors including physical aggression, verbal threats and coercive/degrading sex. “Approximately seventy-six percent women and twenty-four percent men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States”. In 2012, “intimate partner violence made up twenty-one percent of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women”. Likewise, “intimate partners committed four percent of the nonfatal violence against men in 2012”.…
The number of cases of domestic violence is staggering. When people think about the word domestic violence they only think about the people that are directly involved in the altercation. The “silent victims” in domestic violence are the kids that witness the violence and have lasting effects from it (Child Welfare Information Gateway2009). We will review some studies that go over just some of the impacts that domestic violence has on the children in the household. For the remainder of this study review when you see you will see DV in place of domestic violence. Children that have been exposed to DV can…
Women who suffer from domestic violence and substance abuse share or demonstrate these similar signs according to "Best Practices: Addressing Domestic Violence, " Isolation, shame, and guilt, behaviors that others describe as bizarre or dysfunctional, traumatization, Initial denial of the problem. Loss of support systems and fear of losing children as a result of admitting their problem, low ego strengths, magical thinking (a client 's belief that the problem will simply go away as if by magic), impairment of their ability to make logical decisions. Involvement in the criminal justice system, either as a victim or offender, often seeking services only when in crisis. Several returns to the substance, or to a relationship where battering continues, before making a lasting change.”…
This term as the Department of Health states “describe the issues of domestic violence, mental ill-health and substance misuse which have been identified as common features of families where harm to women and children has occurred. They are viewed as indicators of increased risk of harm and neglect to children and young people.” (2014: 4). Work in this area has shown that there is a large overlap between these parental risk factors and cases of child death, serious injury and generally poorer outcomes for children across all ages (Brandon et al, 2008). As the serious case review by Hall (2013) shows, all of these risk factors were present in the case of Daniel Pelka. Statistics suggest that Daniels case is by no means a rarity. 1,796,244 children in England live in households where there is a risk of domestic violence. 250,000 to 978,000 children have a parent who misuses drugs, and more than 2 million children are affected by parental mental ill-health (Jütte, S. et al 2015). Statistics also suggests a strong comorbidity of these problems. As this report undertaken by the Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse shows “a clear co-occurrence between the ‘toxic trio’ risk factors of domestic abuse, substance misuse (alcohol and/or drugs) and parental mental ill health. Nearly a third of mothers (31%) and a third of fathers (32%) in these families experiencing domestic abuse disclosed either mental health…
4. Discuss the role of alcohol and substance abuse as it relates to domestic violence.…
Reports from Indigenous offenders identify alcohol as a contributing factors in their violent assaults (Jayaraj, Ah Kit, Thompson & Spencer, 2010). Substance abuse has also been linked to increase in risk of child neglect and abuse (Weatherburn &…
"Causes, Effects, and Prevention of Domestic Violence." Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. Melissa J. Doak. 2009 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 10 Apr. 2013…
abuser’s loss of control over his or her behavior. In fact, abusive behavior and violence is a…
The risk of physical abuse may increase with an alcoholic parent. They may lack the patience necessary to provide antiquate parenting skills and may turn to physical punishment, or abuse. Kunitz, Levy, McCloskey, and Gabriel (1998), explain that “Physical abuse is a significant risk factor for alcohol dependence.” This highlights how serious physical abuse is by alcoholic parents. Children who are abused have a higher risk factor of themselves developing a dependence on alcohol. This creates a cycle of addiction and violence within families that can be very difficult to…
The health needs for victims of Domestic Violence are mainly for two reasons medical health needs and mental health needs. Most victims reported needing medical treatment at least once because of physical abuse from his or her partner. Some victims also need mental health treatment and may have received counseling because of post trauma stress.…
Domestic violence was at one time thought to be a personal family matter, but it is now considered an issue affecting entire communities both socially and fiscally primarily due to the higher rates of physical health problems received from violent acts from assault, rape and the stress of living in such an environment. The cost of health related affect due to domestic violence is very close to $6 million per year and the cost affect due to a loss of employment and productivity is close to $1.8 billion per year (Martin, 2011).…
Alcohol and violent behavior are intrinsically linked to domestic violence, sexual assaults, homicides, anti-social…
Domestic violence in the US has increasingly become a larger problem because of an increase of alcohol and drug consumption. “Alcohol allows the abuser to justify his abusive behavior as a result.” Says the SVAW. This is an especially awful problem on Native American reservations since alcohol is consumed by pretty much everyone.Drugs and alcohol cause domestic violence on Native American reservations because alcohol consumption is much higher, and people are more likely to be violent under the influence.…
Drug abuse can cause an addict to become violent and physically or emotionally abuse the child or sexually abuse them and cause damage that will stay with the child for the rest of their lives (Nichols, 2015). Another negative effect that drug addiction can cause is serious emotional damage for the child (Nichols, 2015). The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) reports that 35.6 million children in the United States under the age of eighteen lives in a home where a parent drinks or uses illicit drugs (CASA, 2009). Studies show that nearly eighty percent of all child abuse and neglect cases are a result of the parent being involved with drugs or alcohol (CASA, 2009). Many children of addicts can suffer from long-term emotional or psychological damage that causes serious effects on their mental health (Nichols, 2015). These children tend to be diagnosed with behavioral problems, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression (CASA, 2009). Children to lose respect for the parent who is abusing substances as they are no longer able to properly take care of the child (Nichols, 2015). The home may be lacking in any kind of structure and rules, causing the child to turn to abusing substances in order to escape from the pain of their reality (Nichols, 2015). Children of substance abusers have four times greater risk of developing an alcohol or drug problems than children of non-users (CASA, 2009). Substance abuse not only has a negative effect on the individual family member, but it can affect the family as a…