The authors of this article studied the relationship between domestic violence, personal control and gender. Research literature explains the repercussions of a victim’s physical and psychological well-being. National surveys were conducted in order to collect data on rates of domestic violence. They found that the national survey data provides insight about gender, victimization, and perpetration of domestic violence, as well as help clarify how and why gender matters in the process of domestic violence. Their findings revealed a significant …show more content…
These included threats of abuse, restrictions of the woman and damage to woman's property. Six major types of abuse are explored and include threats of abuse, ridicule, jealousy, threats to change marriage, restrictions and damage to property. Authors examined long and short term relationships as well as women's perception of justifiable abuse as a factor to determine the impact of emotional abuse. The analysis also questions if emotional abuse is related to the frequency and severity of physical abuse, but further study appears necessary.
Kaur, Ravneet, and Suneela Garg. “Addressing Domestic Violence Against Women: An Unfinished Agenda.” Indian Journal of Community Medicine : Official Publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine 33.2 (2008): 73–76. PMC. Web. 2 Mar. 2017.
The article does a good job in explains what Domestic Violence is and how it’s a pattern that controls that one person that’s one-person exercises over another. It suggests the violence that can take form in Physical assault, psychological abuse, sexual assault and financially. Domestic Violence is the most common form of violence. It affects women across the life span from sex selective abortion of female fetuses to forced suicide and abuse, and is evident, to some degree, in every society in the world.
No Safe Place: Violence Against Women.