Effect on Children: It is highly believed that a child who is exposed to domestic violence during his/her upbringing will suffer in his/her development and psychological welfare. Some emotional and behavioral problems that can result due to domestic violence include increased aggressiveness, anxiety, and changes in how a child socializes with friends, family and authorities. Problems with attitude and cognition in schools can start developing, along with a lack of skills such as problem-solving. It has been discovered that children who witness mother-assault are more likely to exhibit symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Physical Effect: Acute effects in domestic violence incident are bruises, broken bones, head injuries, lacerations and internal bleeding which most time require medical attention and hospitalization. Some chronic health conditions that have been linked to victims of domestic violence are arthritis, irritable bowel …show more content…
Depression is also not left out, as victims are made to feel guilty for provoking the abuse and are always subjected to intense criticism. It was discovered that 60% of victims meet the diagnostic criteria for depression, either during or after termination of the relationship, and have a great tendency for risk for suicide. The most commonly referenced psychological effect of domestic violence is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). PSTD experienced by victims is characterized by flashbacks, nightmares, exaggerated startle response, intrusive images, and avoidance of triggers that are associated with the abuse. These symptoms are generally experienced for a long time even after the victim has left the dangerous