After World War two, countries around the globe began to experience some sort of political regime shift. Whether it was the work of a common ideology or just impeccable timing, countries in Asia and the Caribbean began to question the political order in their respective states. For example, China fell to communism in 1949 when leader Mao Zedong and his troops marched into Beijing after some political struggle and enacted the People's Republic of China (PRC) to power after being a nationalist state for over thirty years ("The Chinese Revolution of 1949"). Ten years later, the nationalist state of Cuba would fall to communism after a five and …show more content…
On April 27th, the triumvirate led military in company of tanks and air support, prepared for an assault on the city. The CEFA military took the Duarte Bridge which was the gateway from the Air Base to San Domingo. On this day, the rebel forces were beginning to lose hope. Both sides could hear the enthusiasm for the movement change from the rebel broadcaster's tone on the radio. The movement, after a valiant effort, had failed to move beyond the city limits of San Domingo, and the rebels were beginning to see their cause having any sort of effect on changing the political order. While Cabral and Wessin y Wessin set up on the Duarte Bridge, temporary rebel president Molina, accompanied with 20 political and military advisors met with US Ambassador Bennett in the US embassy building in San Domingo. Molina wanted to end the bloodshed, and agree to a ceasefire with the national forces. Before establishes the proper communications with Cabral to do so, Bennett insulted and affront Molina and their cause, and told them they should be ashamed and severely punished for falling so far out of line. With this statement, Molina changed his mind, and found new life to fight again (Ringler and …show more content…
The Resource Mobilization Theory states that shared grievances amongst a group allow a group to mobilize and use different resources to fuel their collective action (McCarthy). Right from the start, the constitutionalistas were able to gain the resources they needed to best serve their cause. After the rebel group captured the San Isidro Air Field on April 24th, they immediately captured communication means by taking control of Radio San Domingo. This was huge for their cause. The ability to be in command of the radio station served to be of their biggest assets in the first 5 days of the revolution. The rebels used the radio to call more citizens of the Dominican Republic to come and support the cause which caused a couple thousand people to come to San Domingo to fight against the trimuverate. Having the radio also meant that Cabral and CEFA did not, which the lack of having proper communications led CEFA to failing to take over San Domingo when they attacked the rebels on the Duarte bridge. The rebels also coordinated most of their attacks through the San Domingo radio and other media outlets they were able to take over. The order to kill all police officers in San Domingo was one of the many things sent out over Radio San Domingo. During the course of the 5 days, the rebels were able to diffuse their ideas and organize their