It was really different in 1793. Philadelphia was the capital of the United States. Back then you could walk to the market to buy your food. You didn't have to drive to Wal-Mart or BJs. There are both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage was that you didn't have to spend money on gas. But of course you didn't have fuel back then. A disadvantage is that diseases spread really fast. If one of the farmers at the market was sick, then pretty soon, the whole city would be sick. That farmer would have touched every single person food in that whole city. Also, most people weren't properly treated when they got sick. So they usually died because they were too far away from a place where they were the proper doctors. So there were many advantages and disadvantages of living on the country side of Philadelphia.
#2 How was the life of a 14-year-old in 1793 different from the life of a 14-year-old today? In which period would you rather live? Why?
The life of a 14 year old in 1793 was a lot different than the way 14 year olds live today. One reason is that back then, 14 year olds did a lot more work. They had to churn butter, and make their own cheese. These are things that we take for granted today. Another reason is that they didn’t have technology another thing that we take for granted. They didn’t have television, computers, or anything electronic. Life back then sounds extremely difficult so I would want to live in this time zone as I do. I would also like to live in this time zone because you can play sports like baseball and basketball with your friends in your free time. Finally I would want to live now instead of then because you get a better education, so you can go to college and earn a better job. Life for 14 year olds now is a lot different than the life of a 14 year old back in 1793.
#3 what are some advancement