Exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company the world.
The entire team at Domino’s Pizza uses the Guiding Principles to help them do their jobs. The principles are listed in order of importance.
At the moment of choice,
We demand integrity.
Our people come fast.
We take great care of our customers.
We make great pizzas every day.
We operate with smart hustle and positive energy.
Substance Use/Abuse
Domino’s Pizza will not tolerate the use, sale or possession of any controlled substances or other illegal drugs or the abuse of alcohol at any time or under any circumstances. Domino’s Pizza reserves the right at all times to have Team Members or job applicants tested for the presence of alcohol, controlled substances, or other illegal drugs.
Tobacco Use Policy
In store - No use is permitted by any Team Member in the store.
On delivery - No use is permitted by any Team Member while driving on the clock.
Tobacco use is not allowed while on duty, unless the Team Member is on an authorized break, but never in the store and it must be out of the customer’s view.
Founded in 1986, the Domino’s Pizza Partners Foundation is a non-profit organization supported by Domino’s Pizza and its Team Members. It serves all Domino’s Pizza Team Members in times of tragedy and special needs. The primary function is to assist in basic day-to-day living needs when a Team Member experiences a financial crisis. Every Team Member is eligible to apply for and receive