Essay 2
Dr. Smith
Society Questions Unhealthy Food
Should the government control what we eat? Some people may think that government being involved is beneficial to a person, but in reality it is corrupt for the government to be involved. Parents should have a right to what their child eats, along with teaching personal responsibility for their child’s food choices. For example, fast food is convent for parents; families in today’s society are very busy when it comes to work, school, and sports. It is more time efficient for parents to buy fast food then it is to make a home cooked meal. The issue about unhealthy fast food has made society question whether or not the government should step in and moderate the type of food we eat. …show more content…
How many grocery stores? David Zinczenko states in his essay “Don’t Blame the Eater”, “Drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you’ll see one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants. Now, drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy grapefruit” (392). In “Kentucky Town Illustrates National Obesity Crisis”, by Wil Haygood he says “the intersection leading into the town features a McDonald’s, a Wendy’s, an Arby’s and a Subway. And just beyond that there is a Burger Kind, a Long John Silver’s, a Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken and a Pizza Hut.” ( 409) Both of these quotes don’t teach children responsibility. These two quotes talk about driving done the road and seeing the first thing that you come across when you are hungry. These fast food places are very time efficient and covenant when on the road and needing a place to just grab something quick. This is causing an increase in the consumption of fast food from children and parents; there has been a dramatic rise in the amount of overweight and obese people in the United