It's important to get familiar with the teachers you have when you start your classes. Be sure you know where they have their offices and understand how to get in touch with them easily. You must develop good relationships with your professors so that you will feel comfortable talking with them if you need help or an exception on a due date.…
Remember that your reputation in high school did not follow you to college. College gives you a clean slate as you leave your high school days behind. Push yourself harder to succeed and try new things rather than expecting things to go the same way they did when you were in high school.…
It's important to get familiar with the teachers you have when you start your classes. Be sure you know where they have their offices and understand how to get in touch with them easily. You must develop good relationships with your professors so that you will feel comfortable talking with them if you need help or an exception on a due date.…
Receding gums indicate a progressive loss of gum tissue, which can eventually result in painful and damaging tooth root exposure if left untreated. Gum recession is most common in adults over the age of 40.…
Everyone in the world seem to struggle with some type of obstacle in their life. What matters most is what you do with that struggle. In the picture candy cigarette by sally Mann it shows a young girl who is being deviant to the fact that she is facing hardship and poverty. It also shows how the lack of parental guidance could play a big factor into her struggles. On the other hand, there are evidence that shows that someone is helping them through the struggle and poverty.…
The last major key to passing eighth grade is being quiet in class. By being quiet in class it would easy to pay attention, get all of my work done,get the knowledge I need for the class. Also being quiet will you will find out how to get your grade up, do the assignment given to you, and what you have to do for a project or homework. Being quiet will help you focus on your work and accomplish all needed assignment due the day of. So to sum up being quiet is a huge major key to successfully completing the eighth…
same behavior and should conduct him or herself in the most professional way day in…
You have transversed into now becoming an 8th grader. I’d like to first begin with congratulating you on your success in passing the 7th grade, which is a big accomplishment. But, 8th grade is extremely different academically, and socially. Your mind practically changes over the first few months. In this essay, I will talk to you about how to act, what to expect, and tips-and-tricks on being an 8th grader at Central Junior High School.…
Things that I have learned so far about high school is that the more you will realize who your friends are they will really start showing you their “true colors”. Furthermore balancing the workload is a very hard task because you have extra curriculum and other responsibilities dealing with your household. Being in high school you aren't going to get pampered or a teacher constantly coming to you, tell you that you have work due , missing assignments , being in class on time and keeping up with your grades . Also , I have learned that you shouldn't wait unit the last minute to turn work in or ask for extra credit , most certainty you shouldn't wait until the day before the due date to turn in your assignments . By having other classes that will be due…
To have a successful 8th grade year, you should find supportive friends, study hard, and fulfill your basic needs. These three things can improve your 8th grade year more than you can imagine. In my experience, I found friends that supported me when I was hard on myself, but I didn’t study too often. My 8th grade year wasn’t the best it could have been, but learning couldn’t happen if mistakes weren’t made.…
Nicotine use is a leading preventable cause of death in the world, directly and indirectly responsible for 440,000 deaths per year. The health problems that result in tobacco use tally an annual of $75 billion in direct medical costs (Slovic 36). That money spent on medical problems for smokers should be used to pay for more important things in our society such as schools, libraries, childcare, etc.…
Every person at some point in their lives has compared themselves to someone, whether it was a co-worker, a best friend, or even a complete stranger; we’ve all done it. But my question is why? Why does a person choose to torture themselves this way? Has one ever remembered a time when they compared themselves to someone for something they didn’t have and felt good about it afterwards? By doing this foolish act we are relinquishing our joy that we had possessed inside ourselves for our own achievements because our neighbor seems to have it better.…
Some advice to freshman would be to make there ninth grade year as amazing as possible, when you do the victory cry at the pepfests and football games super loud. It’s the best way to not get booed. Another piece of advice would be, don't crowd the hallways. The sophomores and upperclassmen get really annoyed. Also, walk fast and don't stop. It's frustrating enough as it is with all the people walking towards you. Next, don't play what I like to call "middle schooler games". Don't take people's things and run around and hide them. Finally don't act sassy, or as though you are better than anyone else. It isn't cool to back talk teachers or start pointless drama. It’s immature and ruins your reputation. Stay in class and don't skip.…
Fortunately, I did prepare by making sure that I worked hard to get all gate classes and that I could do the work. The method I’ve been using is the same method I’ve been using since middle school and there have only been slight changes to it. Before my method would consist of getting all my homework prioritizing it in a more efficient way than working on it till I would finish everything precluding me from failure. My current method is almost the same except I have to make room for extracurricular activities, but soon I’ll have to find a way to get volunteer hours into my schedule. Besides those two instances, nothing has changed the way that I get my work done or how I accomplish things at school. However, if I ever want to do more there are plenty of ways for me too. All in all, my way of going through high school hasn’t faced any drastic changes and seems to be working just…
Some advice I can give you all is to stay organized. Throughout the year you will have to maintain an organized binder and will be checked if it is organized. You will learn how to keep your binder clean, so remember how to and don’t forget to organize it every day, or else you’ll forget. Another tip is to keep everything! You will be graded on whether or not you have certain things from your classes. Don’t think it’s a stupid rule but it’ll come in handy. Just imagine one day getting back an assignment with a grade, but you were told you never turned it in, well if you didn’t keep that assignment you’re screwed. Something you should also always do is take notes, but not any kind of notes, Cornell Notes. This is something else you will be being graded on. Throughout the year you will learn of better ways to organize your notes so that you can remember the concept better. Oh and a general high school tip: BE PREPARED. You have to always have at least a pencil, some paper, and always remember your book for your class. And if times get tough and you’re loaded with assignments, try to pace yourself and stay organized but try not to get too stressed, its only freshmen year.…