Title Index
Introduction 1-3
Objective and Scope 4
Company Background * The Trump Organization 5-10 * Nature of the Business 11 * Organization Chart 12 * Biography 13-14
Managerial Function * Planning 15-16 * Organizing 17-18 * Leading 19 * Controlling 20 * Skills 21 * Managerial Roles 22
Recommendation 23-29
Conclusion 30
We have chosen Donald Trump as our group assignment’s manager. He is the Chairman and CEO of The Trump Organization, a real-estate developer based in the United States. He is the most suitable person because he has a lot of experience in management.
Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling an organization’s financial, physical and information resources to achieve its goals. Managers oversee the use of all these resources in their respective firms. All aspects of a manager’s job are interrelated. In fact, any given manager is likely to be engaged in each of these activities during the course of any given day.
In planning of management process, it is to determine what the organizations needs to do and how best to get it done requires planning. Planning has three main components. As we have seen, it begins when managers determine the firm’s goals. Next, they develop a comprehensive strategy to archive those goals. After a strategy is developed, they design tactical and operational plans for implementing the strategy.
In organizing of management process, it is to determine how best to arrange an organization’s resources and activities into a coherent structure.
In leading of management process, manager has the power to give orders and demand results. Leading, however, involves more complex activities. When leading, a manager works to guide and motivate employees to meet the firm’s