“January 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again,” (Donald J. Trump). On the day of January 20, the United States’ forty-fifth president was inaugurated. Since the day of November 8, 2016, the citizens of America have been preparing for Trump to come into office, whether they approved of him or not. He had several high and low points of his speech. Many people have different views on the speech and whether or not it lived up to their expectations and the levels of the former presidents’ speeches. Many people question whether or not Trump’s election was a beneficial action or unrewarding choice for America and its citizens.
There were many high points of President Trump’s inaugural address that I recognized while watching it. One significant point in his speech was the frequent mentioning of the American citizens and all of his plans for them. He talked about getting a large percentage of his country back into the workforce to make our country more productive and …show more content…
One particular weakness was his degrading of the past presidents and how they decided to govern the country. Sure, they did not have the best possible influence on America’s well-being, but he was excessively insulting and unprofessional as a new president to look down upon the former presidents. Another weakness that was recognized in his speech was the length of it. Former President William Henry Harrison’s speech was one hour and forty-five minutes long. Current President Donald J. Trump’s speech was approximately sixteen to seventeen minutes. One last weakness that is his largest fault, in my opinion, is how he spoke about “eradicating” Islamic people from the face of the Earth. To me, this is a very harsh and judgemental remark to those who are Islamic and have not harmed our country in any