“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the…”Do I need to go on? Unbelievably this is the voice of the soon to be world’s most powerful man. Probably the most problematic man around, he’s a misogynist, racist, sexist, narcissist, any ist you can think of, he ticks the box. Clown, divisive, fraud, liar, bigot: these are some of the more polite terms to be used to describe Donald Trump, current president elect, soon to be leader of the free world. 62,979,879 Americans voted for Donald Trump believing he would make America hate – sorry – great again. These people arrogantly believe this but for the rest of civilisation it is apparent that Trump will be an unmitigated disaster …show more content…
for human rights.
The president of the USA is a role model for the citizens.
Barack Obama, as the first black president, inspired millions of young people of minorities and showed the world that anyone can achieve when they put their mind to it. President Trump however is not a positive role model, his whole career is based on hateful rhetoric; between his racist remarks and his boasting about sexually assaulting women, there’s really not much room left for him to be the good guy. Even by Donald Trump’s standards I was astonished at his unscrupulous attack against the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army officer who died during service in the Iraq War. At the Democratic National Convention on July 28 the father of the Army Captain who died in aid of the US, Humayun Khan, stood with his grieving wife and conveyed his thoughts on Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties. Trump’s reply was ignorant and racist: “If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.” He did not even thank the family for their service, which, as the future president shows a complete lack of respect for the lives of Muslims and black people which account for 3.3 million Americans. Surely the leader of a country founded by immigrants should represent all of the citizens of their country but obviously …show more content…
Trump is also notoriously sexist and that puts him in the position of discriminating against half the population of America. “Fat”, “Pig”, “Dog”, “Slob”, “Disgusting animal”: only a small collection of adjectives Trump has used to describe women in the past. In his current race for presidency and his past attempts he has been widely accused for his objectification of women and sexist remarks. When up against democrat Carly Fiorina he ran out of half empty promises and unintelligent retorts so often he eventually stated 'Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?’ Not only does this show his own lack of intelligence but also his lack of maturity. This is not the way for a president of the United States to behave and in fact tarnishes the reputation of the USA once called the land of the free.
Keeping in mind this is the president of the United States there is a certain degree of decorum, maturity and intelligence expected, but these expectations are not met by Donald Trump, who is immature and narcissistic.
Donald Trump is a 69 year old business man who when debating can only respond by heckling “wrong!” at his opponent or by reading off a script written by a team of qualified advisors. The soon to be president also often takes to twitter regularly to have a tantrum and here the true extent of his immaturity is revealed. One of his most outrageous and inappropriate twitter outbursts was posted January 2016 after the terrorist attacks in Paris. He tweeted “isn’t it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?” This really shows the level of decency Trump has, while the rest of the world offered condolences and prayed for the dead Donald trump took to social media to boast about why he thinks everyone should have access to a gun. The French ambassador replied, “This message is repugnant in its lack of any human decency. Vulture”. Coming from the future president of the US this comment was malicious and inhumane. No person with a brain cell would vote for a man so indecent. However, some people in USA actually support Trump’s crude use of language as they believe he is just being honest (and don’t get me wrong an honest politician would be a fresh breath of air) but they actually applaud his rudeness and
use of discriminatory language as they believe they can trust a man who speaks what he thinks. However, as good as speaking the truth is, when the truth leads to hate crimes, discrimination and general public outcry because of backward, racist, sexist views then some people just shouldn’t have the megaphone.
Donald Trump is definitely not Adolf Hitler – comparing the two would be trivializing the murder and abuse of millions caused by Hitler’s rule, but there are too many similarities to disregard, for example, in Trump’s albeit vague policies, especially immigration policies and foreign policy are disturbing in similarity to Hitler’s all too familiar policies. One way in which both world leaders are similar is through their undescriptive policy outlines and sweet simple catchphrases such as Trump’s favourite “make America great again”. Both leaders use little specification of their true intentions when revealing their policies in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This however is not real politics, this is not stating your beliefs and convincing others to agree. What Donald trump is doing is hiding his true intentions in order to get more votes, although they may not be as evil as Hitler’s intentions, can you really trust anyone who doesn’t tell you the full story?
In conclusion maybe Trump is an immature narcissistic man with a taste for fame, a fascist dictator in the making, or a twitter troll. All jokes aside, we must take Trump seriously – no matter how difficult that is- he is a disgrace to the very meaning of the US constitution that could hinder all the positive progress made by Obama. He is a strong promoter and influencer of unconstitutional discrimination who is still supported by voters who agree with his outrageous and vague policies.