The Republican party, by turning a blinds eye and allowing Trump to spew unfettered his racist attacks on President Obama, especially regarding the nonsensical "birther" non-issue, created the environment in which Trump has unleashed his venom on the other Republican candidates and continues to rise in the polls at the expense of candidates that would be far preferable to the party to head the ticket. Serves them right; maybe there is some justice in this world. The difference between the blatant racism of today and the more hidden racism of yesterday goes back, not to Trump, but, rather to, yes, Fox News. It was Fox News and its inability to accept a President of color that brought blatant racism out of the closet and into the mainstream. Fox made it alright to be racist since, if it can be said on television, then it must be all right to express it anywhere, even at John McCain rallies in …show more content…
Political correctness concerns toning down a use of terms to make it more palatable and less offensive based on an individual's sensitivities. Political correctness may mean referring to a janitor as a custodian or a garbage man as a sanitation engineer. It may even make use of the term "mentally challenged" in lieu of referring to someone as retarded. It does not mean misrepresenting facts and inciting hatred against a group of people, any group of people, as is currently the case with today's political coverage and the candidates being