Donald Trump makes sure to differentiate himself from the rest of the candidates. On top of that, he is already different. Unlike all other candidates, Donald Trump has no prior experience as a politician on any level of government. Much of America is sick and tired of the typical politician making promises that never get accomplished. Yes, Donald Trump makes promises similar to other candidates, but there is much more hope that Donald can back it up. All of these other candidates, including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, have been politicians their entire lives. Donald Trump has continued a family business that is worth over billions. He is extremely successful and knows what it takes to get to that level. At no time can anybody call Trump a joke for what he has accomplished. Recently, former unsuccessful presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke a few words about Donald Trump, calling him a phony and a fraud. “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing members of the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat.” (Bradner) He also added how much of a joke his University is and how he cannot be put into office. Just four years ago, Mitt Romney gave a speech when he endorsed Donald Trump, and in the speech he added how brilliant and successful Donald Trump is. This is a perfect example to …show more content…
Donald Trump calls himself a common sense conservative. He wants to do what is right for America and get things done in general. Donald Trump won’t just side on a topic because it is the right thing to do, he makes his decision on what needs to be done. For example, most Republicans side with Israel on the topic of terrorism versus Palestine. Trump said he would side with Israel, but would really like to work out a deal between the two that could help resolve some problems overseas. On the border, Trump wants to put up a wall to keep out illegal immigrants that are flooding into the United States and taking jobs away from U.S. Citizens. He wants to start putting up the wall as soon as he is put into office, and wants to make Mexico pay for the wall. Everyone seems to be skeptical of his idea that Mexico will pay for the wall. “If Mexico doesn't agree to pay for the wall, Trump suggests increasing a number of fees, including those on temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats, border crossing cards and NAFTA worker visas from Mexico. He also proposes increases fees at ports of entry at the Mexican - United States border.” (Deb). This quote was pulled out of a CBS News article that focused on Trump’s plan. Trump has a plan based on increasing fees to Mexicans in order to get the wall built. He also has spoken many times on his plan for trade. Trump wants free trade