This is because it seems that he has been making contradictory proposals only to attract more votes. As Thomas Ricks states in New York Times, “The incoming president appears to be a profoundly ignorant man who often seems to act on gut impulse or on what pleases the crowd” (2016). Additionally, when Eric Trump, Donald Trump’s son, was asked about his father’s proposal to make Muslims in the country register for the government registry by an Arab American comedian who sat next to him on a plane, he replied with, “Come on, man you really think we’re going to do that? We’re not doing that” (qtd in Strachan 2016). This conversation shows that Trump wasn’t planning to follow through his proposals but he was rather saying whatever he needed to say to the public in order to win the election. Therefore, it can be said that Trump might exaggerate and say whatever he feels like at the moment, however, in actuality, he doesn’t act on most of …show more content…
For example, Trump is currently trying to repeal one of the Obama’s most prominent achievements, Affordable Care Act, as known as Obamacare. Although Obamacare might not be perfect, it has covered at least 16.4 million people who used to be uninsured since 2010 (Obamacare 2015). Since Trump has yet to come up with a better replacement plan for those 16.4 million people when he repeals Obamacare, it seems that he is only thinking about taking Obama’s biggest achievement away from him in order to satisfy most of his voters who were against the Obama administration. Moreover, Trump has vowed to end a deal with Iran which was concluded in 2015 that lifts international sanctions in exchange for Iran to halt its dangerous nuclear activities and chose a national security adviser and a C.I.A. director who are both opposed to the deal (The Editorial 2016). This agreement with Iran has been successful and ending the deal might do more harm than good. However, again, Trump is determined to end this deal without a proper reason or an alternative since he only wants to operate things differently from the Obama