American citizens who are supporting Donald Trump in his run for Presidency are furious. They are mad about social issues, economic issues, government and world problems. The people who are afraid of crime and worried about mass immigration transforming our country, are the ones who will be voting for Trump on November 8th. They are worried about being left behind and displaced by their own country, due to the current refugee crisis. Donald will rule with an iron fist and no one will backstab him without paying a price, his voters take confidence in his authoritarianism compared to their current (apparently) weak president. Americans are sick and tired of politicians saying one thing and doing another when they get to Washington. Thus people like like the fact that Trump doesn't talk like a politician and has lots of experience as a …show more content…
It's not a part of who he is and many american citizens are sick of the stances we’ve taken as a country recently to be politically correct. With bathroom bills, rainbow flags and women leaders, Trump supporters agree the less is better. Instead of the current state of America, where we embrace each and every single individual as an important, vital human being. There is a big divide in our country when it comes to illegal aliens, much of it comes from the notion that Mexican are taking our jobs. Americans just like to pin their insecurities and bad decisions on other weaker people, as they usually won't speak up about the