God, your God, he surrendered to the chapter, and humility to suppliers evangelism." (Al-Hajj/34)
Second feature that attribute souls to remember every pious man, all his weakness and inability in the expression entry, and like all great Mysticism from any distance your nose and buck, but also all his fault in this first, as it itself says:
"If there was an error on the bridle and slip are informed that verily; what kind of property that it is born to the child and his poetry is so joy, that's fine with a string of ugly and ugly with a pleasant and defiled and approbation from Nico from unnecessarily and the difference on the flaw and the stigma, which is brighter than a shout, and slip and guilty in the resolution, such as In the morning, conditions of suspension.
Don know who man their flaw that simple smell garlic that he eats
Do not hesitate to correct and refine your dignity, and rape of the damages that occurred and the disposal ..." (Dor-Shokhan, pp.: