By: Francesca Johnson
Doreen Kimura is a behavioral phycologist and a Neuroscientist. Being born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and growing up in a small town in Saskatchewan called Neudorf; she was given little exposure to science while growing up. Kimura dropped out of High School at the age of 17 and became a teacher. While teaching, she came across an admission scholarship to McGill. Interested in Phycology and research for the sheer purpose of expanding human knowledge, she decided to apply, and ended up getting the scholarship. She studied physiological psychology, which is the study of how behaviour and experiences are affected by the biology of the brain, and obtained a PhD in this field. Her very successful …show more content…
Being supervised by two of Canada’s most prominent behavioural scientists, Brenda Miller, and Donald Hebb, Kimura was one of the founders of the field of Neuropsychology in Canada . While in Zurich, Switzerland, she set up a human brain function laboratory . She is recognized internationally for her work of the biological bases of human cognitive abilities . She established in 1974, what is now known as the London health sciences center in London, Ontario, which is in Canada, one of the first of its kind . In 1998 at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, she took up a position in the department of psychology . Finally, in addition to working as a professor for 31 years, Kimura heavily affected the development of the department of psychology at the University of Western Ontario and established a graduate program in neuropsychology . Kimura has also been the recipient of many awards including the Member of the Royal Society of Canada award, the Hebb award from the Canadian society of the brain, behavior, and cognitive science, an award for distinguished contributions to Canadian psychology, The John Dewan award of the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, The sterling price in support of controversy from Simon Fraser University, The Kistler Medal from the Foundation for the Future, and Honorary degrees from both Queens University and Simon Fraser University