The audience in this ad can be from parents to anyone who have been in a prenatal ultrasound. Doritos ad immediately catches the eye of pregnant women because they can relate to being in that setting. Any doritos lover can relate to the wonderfulness that it could give the baby the reaction to the dad waving the chip. Nurses will also be entertained by this ad because they often experience them and tell mothers “any day now”, when dealing with mothers who are close to delivery. Anyone with a sense of humor can laugh along while watching this unbelievable commercial. …show more content…
This ad was designed to get people to laugh and be intrigued at where it is going.
The purpose was to show how this chip is so amazing that a baby will be born early just to experience the “crunch” sensation. The mother expressed her feeling to the dad about bringing the doritos in the ultrasound when she told the nurse, “He’s eating doritos at my ultrasound”. The ending refers to the beginning when the nurse said “any day now”, then the baby comes when the mom throws the chip. Seeing this would make anyone want to try a dorito to see if it is really as wonderful. Making this commercial makes people interested in the the doritos brand and think of the ad when in ultrasounds, maybe even making people want to try
Although this ad caught my attention, I do not believe it was effective. It kept me entertained but it did not make me want to eat a dorito. This made me think of it as funny, and relatable to pregnant women but did not relate to everyone. This biggest population of chip consumers are younger kids and teens. That age group wouldn't understand the humor or sarcasm of this ad. I do believe it is enjoyable but doesn't communicate to everyone. This ad also does not show a direct flavor or a catchy jingle. The ad was entertainment but probably won't bring in a lot of sales.
Doritos ad was funny and eye catching to parents and nurses. A lot of people will enjoy this ad and often think back to it as a good one. This ad might not prompt people to buy this chip right away but it does come off intriguing. If the purpose of this ad was to stick in the heads of people it sure will be one of my favorites.