• In recent years, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks has brought a grave threat to corporate security and the threats are increasing continuously.
The mode and tools of DDoS attacks have become more and more complex and effective and difficult to trace to source, while current defense technology is still not enough to defeat large-scale attacks. The article analyzes the characteristics and types of DDoS attacks in details and discusses the way that attackers control a large number of hosts. Finally control strategies for DDoS attacks are put forward.
What is the Denial of Service attack (DoS)
& Distributed Denial of Service attck
(DDoS) ?
What is the Denial of Service attack (DoS)
& Distributed Denial of Service attck
(DDoS) ?
• * in general; denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-
service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users.
What is the differences between the DoS and
DDoS ?
A- DoS
1- A DoS Attack is a Denial of Service attack.
2- This means that one computer and one internet connection is used to food a server with packets (TCP / UDP). The point of such a denial of service attack is to overload the targeted server’s bandwidth and other resources. This will make the server inaccessible to others, thereby blocking the website or whatever else is hosted there.
• What is the differences between the DoS and DDoS (Continued)?
1- A DDoS Attack is a Distributed Denial of Service Attack.
2- In most respects it is similar to a DoS attack but the results are much, much different. Instead of one computer and one internet connection the DDoS attack utilizes many computers and many connections. The computers behind such an attack are often distributed around the whole world and will be part of what is known as a botnet. The main difference between a DDoS attack vs. a DoS attack, therefore, is that the target server will be overload by