Period: _____
Independent Reading Notebook Introduction
Choosing a Book
1. You will read for a minimum of 30 minutes, five days a week, including holidays.
2. You will be required to have in class, the book you are currently reading.
3. Do not choose a book that you can’t complete in three weeks.
4. You must also have your next book available for reading. We call this book, your “book on deck,” because you need to be able to begin reading it immediately after finishing your latest book.
5. You need to determine the Lexile reading level of your book, and if possible, the Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading level.
6. You need to determine the total words in your book, and record the total time in minutes that you spent reading your book.
7. You will complete a “Reading Log” that records your daily reading activity.
8. You will form reading groups of 4, and will read books together. Each week, each of you will complete a "Weekly Reading Group Check-up Form” in order to inform Mrs. Sanderson of your current weekly and future reading activity.
9. You will keep track of your reading by completing a reading log, completing your own personal “My Books Read List,” and completing Mrs. Sanderson’s Semester 1 Record of Books Read.”
1. Reading Log-
Due every other Monday, paper assignment
2. Reading Notes –
Due every other Friday, paper assignment
3. Reading Discussion – Due every other Friday, on Ning
4. Reading Summary, and, if assigned, Vocabulary Work–
Due every other Wednesday, paper assignment
5. “Weekly Reading Group Check-up” Form-
Due every Tuesday, on-line Google Form
6. “My Books Read List” and “Semester 1 Record of Books Read”- Random checks by teacher; keep the lists updated, on-line Google Forms
Logs, and Summary work due on the same week, “Week A”
Reading Notes and Discussions are due on the same week, “Week B”