Dove Ad Campaign
Dove Ad Campaign The image of beauty has been burned into the minds of young adults in this generation through magazines and radio. However, in the last decade with the uprising of social media, internet, and television; the definition of beauty is being redefined. With these new social mediums arising, marketing campaigns are becoming more aggressive and targeting a younger audience and influencing their ideas of who they are. Marketing campaigns show only the most beautiful and attractive actors and actresses, yet these are unrealistic and usually unattainable standards in reality. Dove’s ad campaign decided to challenge the standards and criteria that have been set by the mass media over the past century by using “average” or the everyday women in their advertisements. With this rash new marketing strategy, many critics have expressed their disgust in these banners. In an essay written by Jennifer Pozner, Richard Roeper stated that the Dove ad campaign was “unsettling” and called the women “plump gals”. However, with the few critics of this campaign, many have sided with Dove for breaking through the barrier of male chauvinistic ideals of women. I feel as though Dove has finally stepped forward and is accurately portraying every day women and targeting the correct audience for their brand. With Dove’s new marketing campaign, they have become the first brand to accurately, and honestly, portray the average woman that can be seen walking down the street. According to a study taken by The Centers for Disease Control, “More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese.” This number has nearly tripled from what it was nearly twenty five years ago. With this advertisement campaign, Dove has begun to break through the stereotypical “model” status. They have become the first company to acknowledge this change in human nature as well as begin marketing towards the average American. In a recent article published by MSNBC, they interviewed Gina Crisanti; Gina is one
Cited: "Dove Ads with 'real ' Women Get Attention." MSNBC. The Associated Press. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
OECD:, Check Out the Slideshow below for the 10 Most Obese Countries in the Developed World According to the. "Obesity Rates Rising: 10 Fattest Countries In The Developed World (SLIDESHOW)." The Huffington Post., 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
Pozner, Jennifer L. "Dove 's "Real Beauty" Backlash." Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers. Boston: Bedford. Print.
"U.S. Obesity Trends." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.