In the beginning Macbeth is a very honorable Thane of Glamis who is trusted greatly by the king. Macbeth was very happy serving the king, Macbeth says “The service and the loyalty owe/ In doing it pays itself.” (1.3. 25-26) He is saying …show more content…
He says “To be thus is nothing,/ But to be safely thus.” These lines are saying to be king means nothing if I do not know that I am safe. He becomes so paranoid the best option in his mind is to kill Banquo and Banquo's son Fleance. He hires three murderers to kill them. After Banquo is killed Macbeth is at a dinner party and Banquo’s bloody ghost enters. Macbeth tries to find a place to sit thinking that Banquo's ghost is just another guest he decides he will stand, no one else can see the apparition so they are confused why he is not sitting when asked macbeth …show more content…
These lines make him think he is invincible because he can not be killed by women born, but because they told him to beware Macduff he is going to murder him just in case. After discovering Macduff has gone to england he decides to murder Macduff's family instead. Macbeth is now killing people just because he can not stop now, he is merely killing because he can and he wants to show how willing to kill he is. A combination of is hallucinations with the guilt of all the murders eating away at his mind he can no longer make rational decisions. More evidence of his inability to make rational decisions is when he refused to put armor on before going into battle, he believes he is invincible because of what the witches told him. This is ultimately what leads to Macbeth's demise. Macbeth began the play with a very strong mental state and as a very loyal thane as the play continues so does his mental downfall. If Macbeth had never killed Duncan his downward spiral could have been prevented. Overall he traded his mental state to become king but because his guilt ate away at his mind he was not able to live in these victories for very