Instituting a directive for mandatory vaccinations to be able to attend school, or work in a desired field, directly intrudes on any persons given right to freedom of choice. Forcing mandatory vaccinations may not only result in job loss, but may also result in further resentment of employees towards their employer (Hoppel, 2010). The opposite may be true if a company maintains a voluntary vaccination program the employee may feel more willing to receive a vaccination. Having these voluntary vaccinations may also instill a stronger level of trust and higher sense of loyalty and security within a company (Finch, 2006). Having an increased level of job security and loyalty may also result in a higher level of production, employee happiness, and an overall more satisfying work environment.
Just like a law or bill voted down in congress sometimes the vaccinations themselves may have no real cause, reason or greatly beneficial factors to be mandated in the first place. “A vaccine that offers incomplete protection against a virus, and in turn, for a disease that is classified as ‘‘rare’’ in the United States and that may, in fact, never develop at all as a pathological condition, constitutes
References: Vamos, Cheryl A., McDermott, Robert J., Daley, Ellen M. Journal of School Health (The HPV Vaccine: Framing the Arguments FOR and AGAINST Mandatory Vaccination of All Middle School Girls) June 2008 Vol. 78 No. 6, pg. 302-309 Walkinshaw, Erin CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association (Mandatory Vaccinations: No Middle Ground) 11/8/2011, Vol. 183 Issue 16, pg. 1830-1831 Finch, Mark Clinical Infectious Diseases (Point: Mandatory Influenza Vaccination for All Health Care Workers? Seven Reasons to Say "No".) 4/15/2006, Vol. 42 Issue 8, pg. 1141-1143 Wynia, Matthew K. American Journal of Bioethics (Mandating Vaccination: What Counts as a "Mandate" in Public Health and When Should They Be Used?) Dec. 2007, Vol. 7 Issue 12, pg. 2-6 Hoppel, Ann M. Clinician Reviews (The Mandate Debate) Oct. 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 10, pg. 1-30 Backer, Howard Clinical Infectious Diseases (Counterpoint: In Favor of Mandatory Influenza Vaccine for All Health Care Workers.) 4/15/2006, Vol. 42 Issue 8, pg. 1144-1147