Exserves| Dr. Beckett’s Dental Office Case
Study Questions: 1. Which of the eight elements of the services marketing mix are addressed in this case? Give examples of each ‘P’ you identify.
a) Price
Dr. Beckett charges higher fees than competitors for better quality of service and refused to become an HMO provider as she feels that it wouldn’t allow her to give the quality she aims to deliver. b) Product their goal as indicated on their mission statement is to “provide superior dentistry in an efficient, profitable manner within the confines of a caring, quality environment”. They offer a wide and complete range of dental services for all possible markets. c) Place and Time
Dr. Beckett hired an architect from San Francisco to design a contemporary office building with lots of light and space. Though it increased the building cost to 100,000usd, it is worth it if better quality is what she desire. With the area in the building where her patients/customers are comfortable and relaxed that they would not mind waiting.
Time related elements:
• Patients could have coffee or tea and browse through a large selection of current magazines while they waited for their appointment
• Office policy specified that patients should not be waiting for more than 20 minutes without being offered to be rescheduled
*time is crucial in providing services, which is why service providers do their best to minimize the time needed to do the service, and make other strategies to keep the customers busy while waiting d) Promotion and Education
Dr. Beckett didn’t advertize her services but she’s getting her patients via referrals which is a good promotion. A word of mouth about the quality of her services also answers a good evaluation. According to her, this means that the new patients would already have heard of her service and her business strategy of high quality and appealing environment.
Patients wait for appointments even for 3