desires, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are equally substantial to one another. A division is not drawn between love and hate in an individual.
After Hyde, having “trampled calmly” over a little girl, he speaks in a sincere manner and offers compensation for his acts. Hyde appears to have a self-loving attitude. He dedicates himself to egotistic desires- violence and savagery- in a sense, fulfilling his need for both love and hate. Because Dr. Jekyll still attains memory of Hyde’s erroneous actions, like that of trampling the little girl, he responds to both emotions of love and hate, since he is in his state of normality. Only, Dr. Jekyll appears to be more subdued about his passions, desires, and emotions. Dr. Jekyll does this to conform to society so he is not at risk of losing his high social status. Although Hyde is more liberating, while Dr. Jekyll is more moderate, this allows the two binary opposites of love and hate to be balanced
equivalently. Stevenson reveals that two opposing contenders need counterbalancing in order for equivalency to occur. Man is created to be of “dual creatures”, as well as love and hate is two binary opposites. Because of the sense of control Dr. Jekyll has, and because of Hyde’s erratic behavior, this allows balance to take place amongst each individual of Dr. Jekyll.