The most interesting example to me was the sex role reversal in nature example of seahorses. Male seahorses take on the role of the caregivers instead of the females in nature, which was once believed to be the opposite of the “structure” of nature, the female seahorses are the ones who look for a male who is interested in them, so they are the ones hunting for a mate. This is interesting to me, because what is happening here is the opposite of what human beings believed was the order of “life” for a large frame of human history. We have proof that nature can go against our socially accepted norms. It has always been a widespread belief that females are the ones …show more content…
I also know that it is not uncommon for a single Father to be more than capable of raising a child and show just as much love, affection and care to their child as a female would have, ultimately, meaning males are natural care givers just like females. The fact that this occurs in nature, where there are no social constructs, but simply “instinct”, shows us how much we are consumed by ideas and concepts created by people, these social constructs corrupt our lives. We need to be open-minded as individuals, in truth everything in society is a social construct, such as the idea of race, we are all the same, race has no biological substance and if people stopped supporting an “idea”, we would not have discrimination. In regards to sexual identity, the norms we have created, the ideas behind gender are all a form of social construct. These ideas came from people, and as we can see these ideas are not consistent with nature. If everyone simply opened up their mind and took the time to understand each other we would not have violence, chaos and I truly believe we would have peace, these social constructs narrow our perspective of the