Mr. Doby
Modern Lit
The Elephant Man
Write a character analysis of John Merrick. Don’t worry about his obvious physical deformities; instead, focus on items such as his character, his self-esteem, his beliefs and if identity.
Besides all of John Merricks physical deformities he had a very unique character. He wasn’t like how most people would be if they had to go thru the same things he went thru or even just looking like him. When you first meet John Merrick he seems kinda odd because he didn’t talk, but when he finally starts to open up to Dr.Treves you start to see a whole new side to him. He really begins to show everyone how intelligent he really is when he started to recite Psalm 23. He has such …show more content…
an imagination as well. While he was building the replica of the top of the church that he could see from his window he talked about how he had to use his imagination to create the bottom and when he was finally done, it was beautiful. He was always happy, when he was talking to Dr.Treves one day he said “ Don’t worry about me my friend, i am always happy every minute of everyday.” He also had a love for the theatre and before he passed he got the chance to go and it was such a magical night for him.
On the final page of the play, Treve’s asks: “Why was he---Merrick---born into such pain?” How would you answer him? What beauty does Treves find in the Elephant Man?
I would probably tell Dr. Treves that everything happens for a reason. God put him in this position because he knew he could handle it better than anyone else could. He was gonna make a difference in someones if not many peoples life for the better. If you take the time to get to know him he will teach you more about yourself and about other people. He never once was depressed or was hard on himself for what he looked like physically because he knew that there was way more to him then looks. I think the beauty that Treves finds in the elephant man was on a deep level, Treves took him apart piece by piece just like a puzzle. Treves liked John for him, he became a real friend to John, and John was so grateful for him. Treves admired John for his ability to always keep his head up through every situation he was put in, from getting physically abused by Mr. Bytes to being bothered and mentally abused by Sonny John and from society. For example while he was at the train station and when he was a “carnie”.
A.) Support the claim made by some critics that the play “The Exhibition” is more about Dr. Treves the Merrick B.) Which character interest you more? explain why! I believe some critics claim that the play “The Exhibition” is more about Dr.
Treves more than it is about John Merrick because the whole story is not about Merrick’s life before Dr. Treves, it’s all about the research that Dr. Treves is doing on why and how he looks the way he does. Yes, it shows how badly taken care of Merrick was by Mr. Bytes but thats not the story's main focus. The stories main focus was if Dr. Treves could help the Elephant Man, which he did not really physically, but mentally. The character the really interests me the most would be of course the Elephant Man. I’m just as curious as Dr.Treves is on why he looks the way he does. for example did his condition got worse in age or if it was always bad. Although on a much more deeper level I have so much curiosity for his personality. All his life he has been judged, laughed at, beaten and had people scream in his face as if he was a monster but he still managed to tell Dr. Treves that every minute of every day he was always happy. He had a huge impact on me because if he can go on living everyday and be happy even under all the depressing circumstances then theres no reason why anyone else can’t. He could have gave up but he instead he looked at the better things in life and was always hopeful. While watching the movie he even gave me hope as
What have you gained from this story? Also, how can or will you apply it to your own life?
I have gained so much from this story. It really opened my eyes and got me to really think about the world and its people. In the story people did not respect the Elephant Man because he looked different physically. At the end of the movie Merrick finally spoke out to the people at the train station and said “I am a human being not an animal” He went all his life not speaking to anyone and I feel like Dr.Treves finally gave him the strength and the confidence for him to say what he said. I also feel that it wasn’t because Dr.Treves gave him a new home, I feel like it was because he actually wanted to get to know him for his character and formed a friendship that John Merrick never had before.
I will apply this story to my life by this saying “never judge a book by its cover.” That was what everyone did to John Merrick but if they really got to know him and actually took the time to he was so intelligent and kind. He could always look for the good in everything and in everyone. You can’t judge someone you don’t know and you can’t judge them because their appearance looks funny to you. Everyone has their own story, and you can only judge them if you take the time to dig deep into their character.