Bond. Good day to you sir.” (01)
As opposed to a: Hello, how are you? Which would be a common greeting in modern literature, even in a formal setting like the one Mina and Campion were in when the above dialogue was said. The language and dialogue used in the novel aided in depicting the accuracy of the historical context of the characters. Lastly, the social queues and gender norms displayed throughout the story between the characters verify that they are being depicted accurately in the historical context of the novel. Gender norms were different in the 19th century where women are treated differently than they would have been in modern times. In the 19th century women were thought of to be inferior to men and must show a submissive, demure nature. This attitude is shown at “Miss Rosa Coote’s Correctional Academy for Wayward Gentlewoman” where young girls are taught to be submissive. There is one panel where a girl is being beat on the bottom with a cane by a teacher and the teacher is …show more content…
Mina Murray experiences a similar situation. She is almost raped by two Arabs when she goes to recruit Allan Quartermain for The League. However she is saved when Allan shoots one of them. This goes along with typical 19th gender norms because Mina is saved by a man but it also goes against them when Mina defends herself and saves both her and Allan when she stabs the other rapist in the back. This goes against 19th century gender norms by showing that Mina is a strong independent woman. Even though Mina breaks through many of the gender norms she still participates in some throughout the novel. For instance, when Mina is used as bait for Mr. Hyde, gets captured, and then goes through a damsel in distress scenario where she is rescued by Allan Quartermain and Henri Dupin. Even though there is a strong female character in the novel she still follows certain social queues and gender norms throughout the story. The typical 19th century social queues and gender norms shown by and with regards towards the characters indicate that the characters are depicted accurately in the historical context of the