ENME432L section 0101 Date of the Experiment: Feb. 21, 2012
Date submitted: Feb. 28, 2012
Instructor: Anilchandra Attaluri
Prepared by:
Ku Choe: ________ Dwight Hofstetter: _________
Aasam Tasaddaq: ________Kody Snow: ________
Benjamin DiDonato: _______
Lab report checklist: x Have you included the raw (handwritten) data sheet? x Have you included your pre-lab report which has been signed by your TA or instructor? x Have you typed the measured data and include them into your report? x Have you included enough data so that the instructor can calculate the final results himself? x Have you included detailed methods so that your younger brother or sister can understand what you did? x Have you included one or two figures for the experimental setup to help the instructor understand how you made those measurements? x Have you included a description of your experimental protocol? x Have you provided a table for all the parameters you obtained from other textbook? x Have you performed the uncertainty analysis on at least one indirectly measured variables? x Have each member of your group read the lab report?
In this experiment, the drag coefficient of a cylinder was calculated from data obtained by performing tests in an air bench. Two methods of analysis were used to calculate drag measurements on the cylinder: direct measurement of the drag force and applying the Reynolds Transport Theorem to control volume enclosed by the test section. In the first method, the drag coefficient can be determined by directly measuring the drag force exerted on the cylinder. The drag force by weight measurement is given by the weight, which have to be added on the weight pan to balance the cylinder at air speed. In contrast, the second method was carried out by measuring the outlet dynamic pressure at different location in the exit plane along the transverse direction on the cylinder. A comparison was then made between the
References: Incropera, F. P., DeWitt, D. P., Bergman, T. L., & Lavine, A. S. (2007). Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. (Sixth ed.). New York: Wiley. Munson, B. R., Young, D. F., Okiishi, T. H., & Huebsch, W. W. (2009). Fundamentals of fluid mechanics. (6th ed.). Jefferson City: John Wiley & Sons Inc.