The Dram shop law makes it possible for a bar owner and servers to be held financially liable if a customer becomes intoxicated at their establishment and then injures someone or causes property damage, typically by driving drunk. I myself work at a nightclub as a bouncer and part of my job is make sure no one becomes overly intoxicated and if they do then my job is to make sure they do not get behind the wheel of a car. One of the problems I see with this law is that it becomes extremely hard to pin point an intoxicated person if they are not showing signs of being intoxicated.
Doug Wolfson an owner of a bar in Omaha, Nebraska had the same complaint about the law when he stated in an interview that "It's very difficult as a bar owner to determine when somebody has maybe a whole bunch of drinks from earlier in the day and they come in here and have one beer, go out and get into an accident. Should that be my responsibility? I don't think so." I believe Mr. Wolfson is right when saying that it should not be his responsibility. How can it be decided that the responsibility of a reckless driver even if intoxicated be taken away from that driver and put solely on the establishment, I personally do not think this is right. However some people believe otherwise.
A lot of people who do believe that The Dram Shop Laws are a good Idea believe this simply because "Strict dram shop liability laws may be an effective way to reduce