Oscar winner Michelle Williams was asked to reshoot scenes for a movie with her Co star, Mark Wahlberg. While Mark was paid 1.5 million, Michelle was paid less than 1000 dollars to reshoot. Subjects like school dress codes might seem unimportant today, yet this is the problems it will lead up to. Let’s talk about why dress codes are biased towards girls. Guys can wear whatever they want. To clarify, they can wear ripped jeans, muscle shirts, and they also sag. All three of these outfit choices are out of dress code. Although this may be true, guys are not dress coded for their rebellious ways. Girls would appreciate the ability to wear ripped jeans and shirts that show our shoulders, but due to the sexest ways of life, girls cannot. If gender biased dress code continues, girls could grow up to not be confident or independent. Possibly grow up to not know how to deliberate themselves. Thinking that they will have to follow stereotypes. Perhaps even grow up to believe that not being treated equal is okay. That letting people take advantage of you is not a
Oscar winner Michelle Williams was asked to reshoot scenes for a movie with her Co star, Mark Wahlberg. While Mark was paid 1.5 million, Michelle was paid less than 1000 dollars to reshoot. Subjects like school dress codes might seem unimportant today, yet this is the problems it will lead up to. Let’s talk about why dress codes are biased towards girls. Guys can wear whatever they want. To clarify, they can wear ripped jeans, muscle shirts, and they also sag. All three of these outfit choices are out of dress code. Although this may be true, guys are not dress coded for their rebellious ways. Girls would appreciate the ability to wear ripped jeans and shirts that show our shoulders, but due to the sexest ways of life, girls cannot. If gender biased dress code continues, girls could grow up to not be confident or independent. Possibly grow up to not know how to deliberate themselves. Thinking that they will have to follow stereotypes. Perhaps even grow up to believe that not being treated equal is okay. That letting people take advantage of you is not a