Others might say that dress codes are put in place for a reason and to promote professional work ethic including the “no revealing clothes” policy. This kind of view can be seen a lot in older viewpoints as an article from 2005 about the dress code policies in school states “Most school dress codes seek to bar only the most problematic images and words, but some schools try a total ban on images and words on any article of clothing. As it turns out, the stricter a dress code, the better its chances of survival. Claims of discrimination against a viewpoint or group by the school are much more difficult to make in such cases.” (Robson) which is arguably incredibly incorrect as a comprehensive and less restrictive dress code would allow people to focus on their school work and less about whether their clothes are dress code are
Others might say that dress codes are put in place for a reason and to promote professional work ethic including the “no revealing clothes” policy. This kind of view can be seen a lot in older viewpoints as an article from 2005 about the dress code policies in school states “Most school dress codes seek to bar only the most problematic images and words, but some schools try a total ban on images and words on any article of clothing. As it turns out, the stricter a dress code, the better its chances of survival. Claims of discrimination against a viewpoint or group by the school are much more difficult to make in such cases.” (Robson) which is arguably incredibly incorrect as a comprehensive and less restrictive dress code would allow people to focus on their school work and less about whether their clothes are dress code are