Individual Research Experience
Dressing out of Context (Refer to Text, p.82-86)
I decided to select the 5th layer of the clothing model. It is Interaction of Pieces; I layered articles of clothing, mismatched colors, and patterns with little coordination. I decided to wear red colored softball socks with dressy boots, purple colored pants, plaid shirt and a big necklace. I pulled my socks over my pants so they stood out. I learned that in todays society people are very judgmental and are quick to make looks. I realized just because I was mismatched people didn’t take very kindly to me. They seem to associate me to a low life or bum or someone less educated because I was unable to dress my self properly to their standards. There was more then one level of context affecting how my dress was interpreted. I was in different elements and surrounding situations. When I was at home it was less of a big deal because I was comfortable in that surrounding. When I went shopping at Meijer’s it changed because complete strangers that had nothing but judgment and giggles behind my back surrounded me. It was less uncomfortable then when I went to study at Biggby’s coffee shop. Meijer’s was still uncomfortable but some people were dressed down there. At the coffee shop it is a little place and people are closely together. Therefore I had to be seen by everyone and for a good amount of time. The factors that may have affected my accuracy with interpreting responses from others could have been location and timing. If I had not gone to Meijer’s at a busy time or the coffee shop I would have not gotten as many reactions as I wanted too. I unfortunately will not wear my clothing choice again. It was socially awkward and sometimes difficult to act like I don’t care. I have my own personal style and feel comfortable in it. I like to present myself in a specific way. It was interesting to partake in this social research