For example, Don abandoned his wife in the makeshift shelter house and escaped through the window, knowing that the zombies in the cottage could easily infect her. Later, when Tammy encountered Don after he became a zombie, she killed him to maximize her own security. In the moment, she cared more about her own safety than her lifelong bond with her father or that a cure for the infestation might exist soon and heal him. Security was Don and Tammy’s primary concern, as it is for primary actors in an anarchic world under the realist paradigm. Anarchy becomes so powerful that actors are forced to prioritize maximizing security (Drezner, 38). Indeed, both of the aforementioned movie situations involved a lack of overarching authority, as humans were forced to make fatal and quick survival decisions for themselves without the benefit of a ruling body or institution to consult. The anarchic situations in which humans oftentimes found themselves during the movie reveal the humans’ realist
For example, Don abandoned his wife in the makeshift shelter house and escaped through the window, knowing that the zombies in the cottage could easily infect her. Later, when Tammy encountered Don after he became a zombie, she killed him to maximize her own security. In the moment, she cared more about her own safety than her lifelong bond with her father or that a cure for the infestation might exist soon and heal him. Security was Don and Tammy’s primary concern, as it is for primary actors in an anarchic world under the realist paradigm. Anarchy becomes so powerful that actors are forced to prioritize maximizing security (Drezner, 38). Indeed, both of the aforementioned movie situations involved a lack of overarching authority, as humans were forced to make fatal and quick survival decisions for themselves without the benefit of a ruling body or institution to consult. The anarchic situations in which humans oftentimes found themselves during the movie reveal the humans’ realist