Binge drinking is a reality of college life in America and perhaps the central focus fraternity life. In Henry Wechsler’s article entitled, “Binge Drinking Must Be Stopped” Wechsler discusses that freshman’s learn during the first week of school where the alcohol and parties are and often has a binge drinking experience even before purchasing a text book. The argument is that freshman’s know where to get alcohol at their first week of school, so they often come back for more and become abuse of alcohol. Wechsler argues that Universities and Colleges presidents should take care of abuse drinking. Wechsler present very little of the opposing side.…
Claim: Today’s college students, both of the age and under, have been abusing alcohol to the point of hospitalization and it needs to be stopped and put under enforcement. The author’s point of view is first person.…
Wechsler is the director of the College Alcohol Studies Program at the Harvard School of Public Health. Approaching binge drinking problem on many college campuses, he argues that it must be forbidden. This is due to tragic outcomes such as alcohol poisoning or death resulted from it according to a survey conducted at 140 colleges and universities. One specific example he quotes is the death of Scott Krueger, a first-year student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology due to alcohol poisoning resulted from overindulgent drinking. Then, he examines the causes of the problem. Although it is partly due to the students themselves, he claims that the main causes come from college authorities in the sense that they do not take proper action to stop the problem. This is because they are oblivious to it; they do not take responsibility when it occurs off campus; they do not enforce the policy effectively. Therefore, he suggests a need for greater coordination and prompt action among college presidents, administrators, students, local authorities and…
After reading the essay “Stop Babysitting College Students” by Froma Harrop, an editorial writer and columnist for the Providence Journal, the idea of having major universities taking a biased responsibility of its students drinking habits would by no means succeed. As an eighteen-year-old college freshman at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) who has just recently been exposed to alcohol, I can tell you that there are limited resolutions that any college or university system can do to prevent college students from not drinking alcohol. Most of the average college students’ weekend life and experience includes going to parties and having their fair share of drinks, but if a university put a guard on student consumption to prevent binge drinking and alcohol abuse, it would actually bring an obstruction to many college students.…
Moreover, the ecological model has been used in the past relations to alcohol abuse among college students. The NIH conducted a study within alcohol abuse among college students where it states the typology is grounded in a social ecological framework. It points out the importance on health related behaviors which are affected by multiple levels of influence. The levels of influence are intrapersonal, interpersonal processes, institutional factors, community factors and public policy. Intrapersonal also known as individual factors have been created to aware students on alcohol related problems thorough prevention activities. In this level students are able to be better informed on the risks and are able to change their thought on it and are…
Alcohol use among college students has reached a crisis point. Alcohol consumption leads to signifigant alcohol related problems such as binge drinking, alcoholism, drinking and driving,…
As college students, alcohol is just a common and abused drug throughout campus. Drinking plays a big role in college party scenes as well as tailgating. Most freshmen, sophomores and juniors who fall under the age of 21 will still drink because alcohol is present. In addition, this age group would feel pressured to drink in order to be “cool,” to have a good time or to impress someone. Because of reasons such as this, State College and Penn State invest so much money and…
Binge drinking on college campuses affects more than just those that are doing it-teachers, parents and the quality of campus life all suffer when the problem gets out of hand. Putting an end to binge drinking is not easy but it is possible with the right initiatives.…
The following two statements are Null Hypotheses written in English. For each, rewrite the null using mathematical symbols and notation as shown in the ClassPak. The statement in parentheses refers to the Alternative Hypothesis for each.…
Most of the reported behaviors showed little to no change until after the legal drinking age was raised in 1987. To prove this, 45% of students reported vomiting after drinking from 1982 to 1987. After the 1987 law change, over 50% of adults reported throwing up. A substantial increase other college related variables increased. Leaving class early after a night of drinking jumped from 10% to almost 15%. Missing class due to being hung-over went from 25% to 30%. Students receiving lower grades because of drinking rose from 5% to 10%. These increases in abusive and irresponsible drinking are due to privately drinking in student dorms and apartments where individuals would gather and play drinking games and proceed to get drunk while outside of adult…
Each year there are around 1,825 alcohol related deaths in college age students. Also there have been over 696,000 students assaulted by a student who had be drinking alcohol. And around 97,000 students have reported being sexually assaulted by someone with alcohol in there system (“College Binge Drinking”). Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking brings blood alcohol concentration levels to .08. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks in men. Many students entering college see this as a normal behavior once they get into college. Also many students will have a lot more stress and peer pressure that will introduce them to drinking behaviors. Binge drinking in college can lead to academic problems, effects on oneself and others and physical and sexual assault on others while…
Despite years of research, alcohol abuse continues to be a threat to society. Alcohol abuse is a big problem in the United States, especially for young adults who are of ages around the minimum legal drinking age. As of right now, the current minimum legal drinking age is 21 years of age in the United States. There is a lot of debate on whether the drinking age should be lowered, raised, or stay the same due to the problems alcohol abuse is causing, particularly at colleges. According to Beth McMurthie of The Chronicle of Higher Education, “More than 1800 students die every year of alcohol-related causes. An additional 600,000 are injured while drunk, and nearly 100,000 become victims of alcohol-influenced sexual assaults” (McMurthie). Clearly…
According to a recent survey conducted by Student Monitor, a college market research company, college student’s state that the three biggest problems on college campuses are the cost, stress and drinking. Now more than ever, college binge drinking is becoming a relevant issue and it is often linked to rape and sexual assault. A recent study conducted by, The Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems, found “that alcohol use of any kind on campuses across the country each year results in 1,800 deaths; 600,000 injuries; 700,000 assaults by someone under the influence; and nearly 1 million rapes and sexual assaults”. There have been initiatives to lower college tuition and support systems to cope with the stress of school, but no specific and universal…
Wechsler, Henry, and Bernice Wuethrich. Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses. [Emmaus, Pa.]: Rodale, 2002.…
The life of a college student typically includes all-nighters at the library cramming for an exam while anxiously waiting to celebrate the completion of a test with drinking and partying. Celebrating the successes of acing a test or passing a chemistry course is a natural response of a college student. On the other hand, having the extreme attitude of “I must get wasted” in order to officially call it a celebration is widely accepted. The social problem of binge drinking has become one of the most predominant issues facing today’s college students. Universities throughout the United States are waking up to the problem of excessive drinking by students and attacking the issue head on. Binge drinking may be caused by many social factors and may ultimately lead to many health, behavioral, and safety consequences. By learning some of the causes and consequences at stake, one may come to realize that moderation, especially when related to alcohol, is key to prevent binge drinking.…